We understand life can be unpredictable. Unexpected costs and needs can cause significant stress and impact your academic success and personal wellbeing. That’s why at Bemidji State, we are working together to provide support to currently enrolled students.

Aid may come in a variety of forms, including emergency appointments and help with communication, grants, loans and/or campus and community resources. Below are some of the resources available on campus and throughout the community. Additional resources are also available across campus.

If you need help finding the right resource, contact Bemidji State’s vice president of student life and success to help you get started:

Travis Greene, vice president for student life and success
Location: Deputy Hall 311
Phone: (218) 755-2075
Email: travis.greene@svztur.com

Bridges to Benefits

Bridge to Benefits Screening Tool is a project by Children’s Defense Fund-Minnesota to improve the well-being of families and individuals by linking them to public work support programs and tax credits.


Find food assistance, help to pay bills and other free or reduced-cost programs, including new programs for the COVID-19 pandemic using findhelp.org.

Minnesota Family Investment Program

The Minnesota Family Investment Program, or MFIP, helps families with children meet their basic needs, while helping working parents move to financial stability through work. Families usually start in the Diversionary Work Program (DWP).

SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SNAP, formerly know as Food Stamps, helps Minnesotans with low incomes get the food they need for nutritious and well-balanced meals. If you are approved for SNAP, you can use your benefits at many stores, farmers markets and senior dining sites.

Find out if you are eligible for SNAP benefits.

United Way 2-1-1

Bemidji State University and Minnesota State have partnered with United Way 211 to establish a statewide basic needs resource hub. The basic needs resource hub provides Bemidji State University students access to basic needs resources and support available on campus and in the community via phone, text or chat 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.United Way logo

United Way 211 provides free and confidential health and human services information. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to connect you with the resources and information you need. If you’re looking for information about services available in your community for you or a loved one, they can help.

United Way 211 Get connected get help

Text MNHELP to 898-211(TXT211) or call 211 (toll free at 1-800-543-7709) to speak with one of their highly trained information and referral specialists. Your call is completely confidential, and they have call menus in English, Spanish and Hmong. Interpreters are also available for any language.

Visit the 211 website to learn more or to explore resources and support that may be available.

To search the 211 database of basic needs resources online, please visit the student basic needs website.


Bucky’s Food Pantry (218) 755-3760, nina.johnson@svztur.com
In partnership with the United Way of the Bemidji Area, and through generous donations by BSU/NTC faculty and staff, Bucky’s Food Pantry provides students with supplemental, shelf-stable groceries for no cost.

Additional food support services at BSU:

Swipe Out Hunger Dining Services Meal Swipes – A limited number of meal swipes for Wally’s Dining Center will be loaded on to student ID cards and can be used at any of the regularly schedule meals at Wally’s.

Community, state and national services:

Pregnant and Parenting Students (218) 755-3750, reslife@svztur.com
Everything you need to make a BSU your home.

Additional student parent support services at BSU:

Cedar Apartments – Bemidji State housing for student parents

Community, state and national services:

Information Technology Services (218) 755-3777, Service Portal
Information Technology Services provides IT tools, support and services that enhance educational and workplace experiences and values.

Additional technology support services at BSU:

Community, state and national services:

Public Safety (218) 755-3888, publicsafety@svztur.com
The BSU/NTC Public Safety Department handles all parking permit requests/disbursement and parking ticket processing.

Additional transportation support services at BSU:

Bucky’s Bikes – Bemidji State Sustainability Office

Community, state and national services:

Financial Aid Office (218) 755-2034, financialaid@svztur.com
Support students and families with information and resources to financially support your educational goals.

Additional emergency grant support services at BSU:

  • Random Acts of Kindness program – awards ranging from $50 – $200 that can help students afford rent, child care, medical care, gas, etc.
  • Helping Hands (Naadamaageng) Grants – one-time awards up to $500 from the Naadamaageng Fund to help deserving American Indian students overcome emergency financial obstacles on their way to achieving their education goals.

Community, state and national services:

Student Health and Counseling (218) 755-2053, HealthServices@svztur.com
Clinic, immunization, education and referrals are some of the offered services.

Community, state and national services:


  • AIDS – 1 (800) 342-2437
  • Alcohol Crisis Line – 1 (800) 422-0045
  • Crisis Line (24 hr) Beltrami County – 1 (800) 422-0045
  • Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline – 1 (866) 223-1111
  • Drug Abuse Hotline – 1 (800) 252-6465
  • Eating Disorder Hotline – 1 (800) 511-9225
  • Lakes Area Pregnancy Support Hotline – 1 (800) 395-4357
  • Local Suicide Prevention Hotline – 1 (800) 422-0045
  • Mental Health Crisis Hotline – 1 (800) 422-0045
  • Northwoods Battered Women’s Shelter – 1 (800) 588-6229
  • Text 4 Life (suicide prevention) – Text LIFE to 61222